Castel Services

Find here all the bed and breakfast services during your stay at Castel in Bayeux. Extra bed: 25 € / night Please note that some rooms cannot accommodate an additional bed. Maximum 1 single bed / bedroom



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Free parking nearby

Non-smoking room

Hair dryer

Heated towel rail
breakfast le castel - guest house in bayeux


It is served from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Outside of these hours, please let us know. We only serve fresh products ... pastries, breads, jams, fresh orange juice, fruits ... but also dried fruits, cereals ... and a few surprises ...
bed and breakfast le castel Bayeux - living room

Arrival & departure

Arrival times: We welcome you in our rooms and furnished from 5:00 p.m. and until 8:00 p.m. We have a yard for unloading your luggage. Your departure : Please vacate your room before 11am to welcome our next guests.